EJC 2011 in Munich, Germany

EJC 2011 in Munich is history! At mostly sunny weather, more than 6.000 jugglers spent nine days in the Olympiapark in Munich with lots of juggling, shows and some unexpected happenings.
As the site was huge and lots of things were happening in parallel, neither every place nor every event is shown here. Nevertheless, have fun with the pictures!

Here's a selection of all the pictures we've taken at EJC 2011 - shows, games and parade as well as site and daily EJC life. If that's not enough, please have a look at our link section below for even more pictures!

EJC 2011 - Setup on Friday (Bild 07) EJC 2011 - Setup on Friday

Lots of volunteers have been busy all week doing lots of different tasks and their huge efforts have built up lots of really nice stuff! The bar is almost complete, the stages are waiting for performers and audience, registration is ready for lots of jugglers on saturday at 12 o'clock.
Albas sind toll!
Albas sind toll!
Albas sind toll!
Albas sind toll!

EJC 2011 - Saturday, 06.08.11 (Bild 43) EJC 2011 - Saturday, 06.08.11

Despite disheartening weather forecasts, EJC 2011 greeted thousands of jugglers with a perfect sunny day! Jugglers from all over the world set up camp, discovered the site (including its very own supermarket run by jugglers) and filled the EJC village with life until gathering in the evening for the first open stage.
Albas sind toll!
Albas sind toll!
Albas sind toll!
Albas sind toll!

EJC 2011 - Sunday, 07.08.11 (Bild 22) EJC 2011 - Sunday, 07.08.11

While jugglers continued to arrive on sunday, the rainy weather finally set in. Nevertheless lots of people walked the parade to see the opening show in town which presented local and international juggling acts as well as the EJC anthem. In the evening: open stage and and early party in the bar tent!
Albas sind toll!
Albas sind toll!
Albas sind toll!
Albas sind toll!

EJC 2011 - Monday, 08.08.11 (Bild 06) EJC 2011 - Monday, 08.08.11

Two main events on monday: first the unexpected closing of the big gym and the consecutive gathering of jugglers at the catering plaza. In the afternoon, the EJA General Assembly took place where jugglers voted for Millstreet (Ireland) to host EJC 2014. Also there was the bavarian breakfast with Weißwurst and Blasmusik, the team combat tournemant, the bavarian night, ...
Albas sind toll!
Albas sind toll!
Albas sind toll!
Albas sind toll!

EJC 2011 - Tuesday, 09.08.11 (Bild 10) EJC 2011 - Tuesday, 09.08.11

A rapidly changing mix of heavy rain, blazing sun and everything in between couldn't stop the european volleyclub tournament from being held. Afterwards, most people rushed to the amazing show "Tangram" by Stefan and Cristiana which was followed by an open stage and the Fashion Show in the big gym.
Albas sind toll!
Albas sind toll!
Albas sind toll!
Albas sind toll!

EJC 2011 - Wednesday, 10.08.11 (Bild 43) EJC 2011 - Wednesday, 10.08.11

On Wednesday, lots of different events were going on: the jollyball and jollystick championships took place as well as the trampoline-show from "Le Bo Trio". In the evening, Rumpel finished his 48h show and in addition to the open stage, there was the "Made in Germany" show in the Olympia Hall. Followed by the Fight Night...
Albas sind toll!
Albas sind toll!
Albas sind toll!
Albas sind toll!

EJC 2011 - Thursday, 11.08.11 (Bild 26) EJC 2011 - Thursday, 11.08.11

The sun had finally decided to stay for the rest of the convention so most jugglers could be found outside - juggling, chatting or enjoying the "Shake That" open air show. In the evening, there was the french gala for all who didn't visit the gala show or open stage and finally the All Star with many familiar faces for regular EJC attendees.
Albas sind toll!
Albas sind toll!
Albas sind toll!
Albas sind toll!

EJC 2011 - Friday, 12.08.11 (Bild 15) EJC 2011 - Friday, 12.08.11

Friday already - where has the week gone? After another sunny day, most jugglers visited the gala show in the afternoon or evening which took place in the famous "Circus Krone Bau" in Munich. For all who wanted to prove themselves worthy of at least imitating the gala, the "gala show parody contest renegade" was the place to go.
Albas sind toll!
Albas sind toll!
Albas sind toll!
Albas sind toll!

EJC 2011 - Saturday, 13.08.11 (Bild 54) EJC 2011 - Saturday, 13.08.11

The last full day of the convention! After the games and the ceremony of passing on the big red EJC-banner, everybody's out for a last juggle with friends. As usual, several shows are on offer, this night crowned by the fire gala. Afterwards, most people gather in or around the bar tent for the last EJC 2011 party and the welcome from the polish team.
Albas sind toll!
Albas sind toll!
Albas sind toll!
Albas sind toll!

EJC 2011 - Sunday, 14.08.11 (Bild 25) EJC 2011 - Sunday, 14.08.11

All good things come to an end - everybody is packing, saying goodbye to old and new friends and leaving EJC 2011. Everybody? No! Everything built up for EJC has to be taken down again, so a team of determined volunteers immediately starts with deconstructing the site. Which keeps them busy for the days to come...
Albas sind toll!
Albas sind toll!
Albas sind toll!
Albas sind toll!

More EJC 2011 pictures are available at:
» http://www.lukeburrage.com/blog/?p=1375
» http://zonglovani.info/obrazky/filtr/EJC11
» http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150344104448203.407613....
» http://www.einrad-jonglierbaelle.de/ejc-2011-muenchen/ ...
» http://kemaklu.de/erde/con_pic_list.php?id=152
» http://www.flickr.com/search/?q=ejc+2011&d=taken-20110803-20110816...
» http://www.hyb.legtux.org/gallerie/index.php?/category/25/start-15...
» https://picasaweb.google.com/111706278527450820671/EJC2011MunichGe...
» http://www.flickr.com/photos/66496568@N04/sets/72157627330647355/...
» http://tlmb.net/galleries/EJC2011/

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